Importing RPC


MetaMask and your other favourite web3 wallets are not limited to the Ethereum blockchain, as it can connect to other EVM-compatible networks using the RPC.

About Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

RPC is a protocol that enables a client to interact with a blockchain by sending requests to a server. The server processes the request and sends back the response to the client. MetaMask and other EVM-compatible wallets uses RPC to communicate with various EVM-compatible networks. Adding Network Details:

We suggest you to use to add RPC smoothly to your wallets. You can follow steps that are mentioned below:

  1. Visit and Connect your wallet

  2. Find your desired network (If you're adding Linea then click on include testnets), after that click on "Add to MetaMask button"

  1. Click on Approve button

    After following these four steps you have successfully added your desired RPC to your wallet. You can navigate to different networks from:

Last updated